Love Bingo Card Print
Official "Call Sheet"
- overlook partner’s most annoying habit
- extend patience with children
- calmly yield in traffic
- view the news with an open mind
- extend grace to a co-worker
- see waiting in line as a chance to practice patience
- pause to see the person not the obesity
- empathize with the mentally challenged
- refrain from judging other’s food choices
- respect someone’s silence
- seek to understand someone’s apparent ignorance
- look for intelligence in other forms than my own
- see immaturity as child-like wonder
- hear the words first and not the unfamiliar accent
- see the person and not the car choice
- think of the proud parent who names each person I meet
- admire the individuality not the questionable fashion choice
- find love and respect for another’s commitment to faith
- take a wider view of someone yelling
- practice unconditional love
- refrain from casting blame
- avoid gossip
- remain open to all political value
- eliminate sarcasm
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