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Time to Understand

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

By the end of this paragraph you will have spent time attempting to understand why the title of this entry is different from the quantifiable term, "reduce time to understanding." made popular by the construction industry's use of virtual reality.

But you might just stop reading.

But why stop? Among many reasons is a common root cause of potential disinterest: a lack 0f common context between the writer and the reader.

You the reader, and me the writer are not starting in the same place. I am writing from a position of already knowing what I'm writing about, and you the reader are reading from a place where you have to catch up.

The old-fashioned version is, "a picture is worth a thousand words."

A picture lets us catch up more quickly.

(so do paragraph breaks)

Continuing in that vein, virtual reality is priceless in construction.

Using virtual reality a designer or architect can share a very realistic, fully immersive and interactive experience of their intentions with the person responsible for building it, greatly "reducing [the] time to understanding" their vision.

Since the the drawings are more than skin deep, the builder can peel back the layers of a virtual reality file and inspect the actual plans required to complete the designers vision. This building information modeling or BIM is taking the industry by storm and rightfully so.

In comparison to the dozens, or even hundreds of pages of blue prints typically required to build something like an olympic stadium, virtual reality reduces the "time to understanding" by immediately creating a common context between what the designer is thinking and what it looks like in three dimensions or in augmented real life.

To some that makes virtual reality their new favorite tool.

To me it makes the concept of "reducing the time to understanding" my new favorite phrase.


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