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Seth Godin use of the word "Craftsperson" was a brilliant stroke of poetry. It was part of a post that listed 5 way that people "contribute". Simple enough right?






"A Craftsperson [uses their] hands or a keyboard to do unique work that others can't (or won't)." This type of contributor is Seth's sweet spot audience, but rather than use the more banal terms of "creative" or "designer," he used a word that commands universal respect, and then made it gender neutral.

This is the sort of nuance he has learned from writing every day.

Children have the innate ability to create without judging.

When was the last time you did that?

The funny part is that it took me 10-12 tries just to write the second sentence. My thoughts were trapped in "judgement" based on what I thought the reader would want to hear.

I'm just going to be quiet now. :-)

Thank You. Enjoy.

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